Friday, January 13, 2012

Sophomore English POL - Semester 1

Julia Di Simone
13 January 2012
period 6
Presentations of Learning:

PART ONE: Introduction
My name is Julia Di Simone, and in my Presentation of Learning (POL), I will be focusing on the “Social Justice” project I completed in my sophomore English class. Social justice is defined as the fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all person, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice. The purpose of this project was for students to find a non-profit organization and a social justice movement that they were interested in, and to learn about it. Through this project, students were immersed in learning about the non-profit Invisible Children, their chosen non-profit, and also the various non-profits of their peers. The project was very rewarding, and it opened my eyes to the quest for social justice around the world.

PART TWO: Projects
Concepts to be Presented
1. For the writing component of this project, I wrote a research paper on the topic of the clean water crisis.
2. Through this project, I learned that my non-profit organization, A Child’s Right, provides clean water to orphaned children in many areas hit hard by the clean water crisis. The work of ACR is focused in the Asian continent, rather than many organizations that operate in Africa. I also learned that they recently expanded their program so that it not only works in orphanages, but also in schools, shelters, hospitals, and rescue homes.
3. I learned that there are so many different facets of social justice. You would be hard pressed to find an interest of yours that did not have a social justice linked to it.
4. I have no doubt that I learned valuable lessons while obtaining information about Invisible Children. Even more than the tragedies of the children that this organization fights for, I really was satisfied to learn that average people such as the three founders of Invisible Children, really can make a difference, and do something as crazy as starting their own non-profit, and making their own documentary fresh out of high school.
5. I chose the topic of clean water mainly because it is something that I find so many fellow Americans really do take for granted. I was really excited to explore the lives of the people, especially the women and children, who struggle to provide water for their families every day. I also have an interest in health, medicine, and disease prevention, so this topic was right up my alley.

Artifacts to be Presented
1. For the artistic component of this project, I created many felt bracelets to raise awareness for clean water. Some of my teachers and fellow pupils agreed to wear them around campus for me.
3. For my technology component for this project, I created an online presentation creator called PREZI.COM.

1. A definite success within this project was really learning how to use PREZI.COM. Prior to this project, I had only previously made one PREZI before, and now looking back on how many times I have used them for class assignments, I can see how much better my PREZIs look, compared to when I first started out. I can now whip out a PREZI quickly, and with little difficulty, which has surely come in handy!
2. Overall, the research paper did not pose too many problems for me, since I do well in writing. One of the hardest things though was finding a happy medium for my thesis statement. I originally had a thesis that was too specific, and had to learn to broaden it without overdoing it, and causing me to find too much material to work with.
3. My time management with the research paper was terrible. For one, I am the type of person who likes to get a huge chunk of writing done in one shot, and since there was just so much time to complete the paper, I just ended up procrastinating until the last minute.
4. In order to improve my overall product, I surely could have spent more time with the challenge option. I also could have gotten more headway on the research paper so that my last nights before the due date would have been less stressful.

PART THREE: Reflection and Goals
Reflection #1 Academic Progress
I know I am learning when I start to relate things that I learn in school to my everyday life. I find that I do this a lot with new vocabulary words, or even discussions that we have in English class. I lean best when I use as many tools as possible to absorb the information. For example, if I need to understand a concept, I will have it explained until I feel like I have a grasp on it, asking the teacher to repeat themselves if necesary will write it down in my notes, and repeat it to myself so that I can hear it out loud. Despite my best efforts, I still struggle with time management. I have to learn to spread out my work, and not be compelled to finish an entire project component in one night just because I like to work in large chunks.
Reflection #2 Social/Emotional/Behavioral Development
One of the ways that I have become a more resourceful learner is that I have learned that it is okay to ask for help from your peers. However, I still need to work on getting over the anxiety of freaking out and worrying if you’re going to sound stupid if you ask a particular question. My largest challenge with working collaboratively has always been trusting others to do their share, and to do it well. I often grow paranoid that if I allow my team members to work independently, their component of the project will not meet the appropriate standards. I have personally contributed to the LVCP culture by participating in school events, and taking part in interviewing perspective teachers, as well as meeting with my peers and the school administration to better the school. So far, my most memorable learning experience has been taking the college level American History course offered here on campus. I think that the lecture-based, fast-paced classroom style really appeals to me. I am also lucky to have such a fantastic professor who is truly passionate about his subject, and a class full of students who make the class a fun place to be.

PART FOUR: List of Artifacts
> research paper
> felt bracelets

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sigg Jones

Sigg Jones from Asterokid on Vimeo.

Today in English class, the class watched a video titled: “Sigg Jones”. Basically, the video was a five-minute-long fight scene, however it had more depth and complexity that your standard kick, punch, kick, block… The interesting thing about the video was that it had very little dialogue. However, in this summary I am going to discuss the characters themselves.

Sigg Jones only had two main characters, since it was a short film. Sigg Jones is a huge, heavily-muscled paid fighter. From what we see in the beginning of the video, Sigg Jones doesn’t seem too intelligent, since he doesn’t really talk, but rather grunts in acknowledgment and agreement. From the way the crowd was cheering, awaiting the fig show Sigg Jones was sure to put on. However, the real hero of the story is his manager, a slight, skinny, pale, geeky kind of character. In their fight scene, the manager is most definitely the underdog; however he is wise enough to learn how to utilize his super-awesome shoes’ powerful abilities to help him win the fight.

I think I really like this video, tell me what you think!

Monday, January 24, 2011

"The Second Wind" Video

Second Wind from Ian Worrel on Vimeo.

            “The Second Wind” was a very well-done video. The settings had very geometric feel to them, however the characters and their props had very soft, curved lines. I appreciated the art in this video, and how the creator used line styles, and colors to present a specific mood. When the pinwheel and the large cat fight with the wind, the entire picture was in varying shades of red, reflecting the cat’s rage. I also noticed the small details, such as how the man’s eye color changed from green, to blue, to grey. Attention to detail is one of my favorite qualities in an artist’s work. Finally, the changes in line shape added another dimension to the film. As the cat grew more and more agitated, the lines making up it’s form became straighter, and shorter, making it seem that the cat’s fur was standing straight up! Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this video, and would recommend it to anyone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Attack of the Ninja: Video

DJ Uppercut : The Attack of Ninja from Shane Lester on Vimeo.

When Mr. Justin first introduced this video to the class, I was super excited to watch the video about a female ninja, figthing a male DJ cowboy, as Mr. Justin had described it. After watching the video however, I was unfortunatelly dissapointed.

Although the artwork and music ws quite unique, and very well executed, I couldn't recognize a main plot, or even point of the video. It lacked the epic quality I had expected.

What did interest me was the sense of masculinity, and feminism of the video, and how they were portrayed by the characters. I loved that the ninja was a female! I know that when we think of ninjas, many of us imagine a male, or unisex character with very bland features. The gender of this ninja was almost a mystery. In the beginning, you could only tell she was a woman because of her long, thin fingers, and oval-shaped face, and graceful but powerful movements, which are generic female traits. Later in the video however, and during the close-ups of the ninja, she was portrayed with long, wind-blown hair, white-painted nails, blush, pink lips, and even face artwork that resembled eye makeup.

The cowboy on the other hand was very distinctly male. His massive size, boxy and stiff movements, and angular facial features, made the distinction obvious.

What did you think of the video? Leave a comment below!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let Go

If you like odd, bizzare, queer, sickening videos, this is the video for you. Rather, if you are someone who would rather spend ther time doing something productive, then please ignore the music video below.

This video is filled with sick images of human parts consuming one another over and over again. The repeditive artwork was put to the tune of an even moe repeditave 12-word song. The only aspect I did like was the "cohesiveness". I did like the way it always came back to the singing lips, and the same face.

Here's the video. My advice: don't waste your time, or brain cells:

The Japanese Popstars Feat. Green Velvet - Let Go from David Wilson Creative on Vimeo.
 "You try too hard to keep contol, just relax and let go." Will haunt my dreams forever. What are your thoughts? How many nightmares have you had since this video??

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2nd, 2010-Cross Country Race

Today LVCP's cross country team participated in our first ever race! This 3mile race had quite a few uphills, but was lots of fun. We did really well considering that this was our first real time. Here are a pictures from the event. The boys ran before the girls, and the guys were nice enough to stick around until I was finished. :)
A nice group shot. The OVERWHELMING number of girls CONSUMED the front row, while the guys stod in back. ;) Unfortunately, we're missing two of our boys in the picture.

Jeff, Will, and Dustin. Dustin was making me laugh the whole time!

Devan and Manny!

Paul was super fast!

Finish line! FINALLY! The girl in front of me (in blue) ran the entire race near me. We had the same pacing! I thought that was funny.